There are many factors to consider when trying to determine whether or not your dog is ready to be included in a pack walk with canine companions.
First and foremost, we need to determine that the dog looking to join the pack does not possess any sort of aggression issues. Sad as it may be, dogs with aggression aren’t well suited to join pack walks, particularly if he or she will be required to ride in a vehicle during the pickup process. Such a dog, while perfectly nice in every other way, would be a better candidate for one of our private walks in which he or she can receive the concentrated attention and positive reinforcement from their walker that they need to flourish.
Once aggression is ruled out, your dog can take a walk or two with his or her designated walker, and then he or she can easily evaluate whether the dog is ready to enjoy pack walks. Some dogs may be too young (puppies are generally too hyperactive to walk with other dogs, although there have been exceptions for the inordinately mature) or as yet too untrained. A dog with underdeveloped leash walking skills will often benefit from private walks prior to joining a pack, if only so that the dog and walker can get to know and trust each other.
In certain cases, particularly if your dog has already walked in a pack, we’re happy to fast track the process. However, most often, we will exercise patience and caution, as we strive to maintain harmony in our pack, and only place new dogs within them very careful. We aim for every member of the pack (including the walker) to have fun, be safe, and return home exhausted and in need of a nap.
A helpful group walk checklist:
To surmise, if you can agree with each of the following statements, your dog is a great candidate to participate in a group walk:
1. My dog is not aggressive towards dogs of all breeds and sizes;
2. My dog is not reactive to any new dog encounters;
3. My dog is at least 8 to 12 months of age;
4. My dog does not have any adverse reactions to traveling in a car;
5. My dog has good leash manners;
6. My dog has been socialized and enjoys being around other dogs.
Have a question?
Not sure which type of walk is best suited for your pup? Ask away, we are always here to help!